Category Archives: About Me

About Me/Sweet Potato Oven Fries

Some days there is no time for words, which is why there are pictures….

I miss adventures like these….

And I miss views like these…..

This is my best friend Wifey.

That’s a sea urchin, in my favorite place in the world, Pantelleria.

This is my little brother Milo, he’s my favorite little brother.

Even when there is little time for words, there is always time for sweet potatoes seasoned with cumin and chili flakes….

Sweet Potato Oven Fries
makes 4 side servings

3 large sweet potatoes, washed and scrubbed
2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp cumin
1/2 tbsp. chili flakes (more or less depending on how hot you like them)
Sprinkle of sea salt
1) Preheat the oven to 450 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2) Cut the sweet potatoes into 1/2″ wide sticks along it’s length. Toss with oil, cumin and chili flakes.
3) Roast for 15-20 minutes, turning once. Sprinkle with salt, the allow to rest for about 10 minutes before eating.

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Filed under About Me, Autumn, Sides